Time for a personal post!!!!!!!!!
So as you all know- if you follow my personal page at all- that I am a mom of a beautiful fun energetic little boy… Mateo. He just turned a year old! WOW that went fast! For the last year we have had the most excellent caregiver/ babysitter watching Mateo while I work & shoot weddings- Kayla.
So Kayla has been the perfect person to watch Mateo because not only do we think she might love Mateo more than we do, but she genuinely cares for him & loves him, and has his growth & love in mind constantly. I’m so sad because just this past weekend Kayla decided to would be a good idea to graduate from ISU and leave us 🙁 lol. So this post is a shootout to darling Kayla & a giant congrats in her graduation, and an enormous thank you for all she’s done for us this past year.
So for you Kayla- randomly my favorite Irsh blessing- (I’m only part Irish but I just love the blessing & always have & of course wish it over you) Love, Tracy, Nate & Mateo.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
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