WOW. Could I get a prettier model? I think NOT.
Our good friend Megan lives up in Cave Creek & when we first moved to Phoenix we didn’t know anyone so she TOTALLY hooked us up & helped us out by sending her friend Becky’s number to watch Mateo while we searched for homes. SO thankful for the introduction because of course Mateo LOVES Becky 🙂 and so do we 🙂
So we took an evening the other night to get some fashion & modeling shots taken for her & it was SO fun. I haven’t had girl time in so long & this totally hit the spot for me. I hardly ever know my clients down here & hardly ever have a whole hour & a half  to shoot for FUN! And fun we had!
Please enjoy my favorites from the shoot & leave me & Becky some love on my facebook page 🙂
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