There is No Place Like Home Family Photographer (Part One)
Hello World!
It’s me again 🙂 farm-land, countryside, wild thing at your service. Now 36 years later. lol.
As many of you know I left the flatlands and rolling hills of Normal Illinois for the rains of Seattle then the great city of Phoenix Arizona about 4 years ago. However I find myself in that small town over and over again! It’s simply because of one thing. YOU. I have such a community of friends who follow and support me and my photography adventure.
Living life with these families for the past 10 years of my career is invaluable. I can’t say how much I feel loved that when I post that I’m going to be in my hometown, then no less than 14 slots are booked within weeks!
These families came from far and wide. I came from Arizona, some came from Chicago, Rock Island, Peoria, Springfield, Decatur, and Colorado! This is beyond amazing! I am honored and loved!
And I love ALL of you guys!
I don’t think all my followers want to see ALL these families… but I think these families and friends do!
So the next few blog posts will be dedicated to my select few favorites images from each family!
Enjoy & thank you all so much for your support and following of my life story and adventures!
Love, me.
There is No Place Like Home Family Photographer (Part One)
{The Lineberger Family}
Isn’t this family darling? Arthur is just about the same age as my little boy and they were best buds for the first year of life. I love watching Artie grow up, and getting much-needed hugs from his Mama, my dear friend Lizzy 🙂
One special (yes just one because she has a lot of special) thing about Lizzy is that she is an amazing cook! She took care of me when I was on a really restricted diet from pre-eclampsia in my pregnancy. She lived about 2 blocks away and would bring me dinner & lunch and so much more. Then AGAIN when my son was terribly ill at birth and spent almost the first month of his life in the NICU. I was severally depressed and SUPER sick of hospital food. There she was again with home cooked gourmet meals! She is a dear friend that is raw and real and vulnerable and human, always ready with a smile and compassion and empathy. Everyone needs a friend ready to crawl in the holes of life with you.
Want to see Part Two? Give me a day and I’ll have it for you!
In the meantime, you should totally go see Georgia James Newborn Session
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