

Authentic Lifestyle Photography & Small Business empowerment| ARIZONA + WORLD WIDE

Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography

Children + Family, Lifestyle, Maternity, Newborns

April 24, 2019


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Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography

Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography

Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography

Do you have luxuries that you prioritize in life and no matter what you find a way for them to work with your budget?

What are those luxuries in your life?

Perhaps yoga or a gym membership? Shopping at a specific grocery store to keep your body healthy? Like whole “paycheck” aka Whole Foods. haha. (Not judging- I prioritize my health so I do all of the above) Specific brands of clothing?

Maybe it’s wine night or movie night? Extra childcare? Because being a stay at home parent sounds soul-sucking and you are a better parent if you get alone time? High-quality dark chocolate? I mean can I get an AMEN?

All of these good and wonderful things are luxuries.

Plain and simple. Many cannot afford them. What is really comes down to is prioritizing what matters to you most. If you value it, you most likely find a way to get it. So what do you value? Do you value and prioritize photography? Quality photography is a specific luxury service that captures moments in your life so you can remember them with fondness. It’s a valuable investment. Some photography is super cheap… but you do get what you pay for and it might just be a total waste of your money… so quality photography is expensive and truly a luxury for your life. Have you ever even thought of quality photography as being a luxury?

Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography

Many of my clients value and prioritize ME!

Yeah wow. I just said it. They value and prioritize quality photography in their lives, not just any photography or the cheapest photography but they value quality photography capturing well that brings them joy for years to come. They budget and plan to capture their growing families year after year.

Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography

I am astounded by then number of repeat clients that I have had in my career. Did you know that I’ve had some repeat clients for 10 years now? Every year or every other year they book me. Some of them book me every 6 months!

I am incredibly honored that these clients value not only the high-quality photography that I offer but the person behind the camera. Because let’s be honest I haven’t always been such a fabulous confident photographer that I am now. Well, maybe I’ve been confident but not always very good. Haha.

Regardless,  I am told over and over again that I make them feel comfortable and that is a priority to them.

It’s funny how human nature is to forget the kindness and encouraging words and focus on the bad or the need to be better or have “more success”. 

But NOT today, nope I am writing a blog post with beautiful images to remind myself that I am valued. Not just the mastery of my skill I’ve taken years to hone, but how I run my business, how I love people well, how I share joy and kindness with all those I come in contact with.

Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography

So as long as I Do ME and constantly strive to be the best me that I can, I am successful.

Nothing else gets to judge that, nothing else gets to steal my joy.  Success is what you allow it to be. It’s creating and accomplishing your goals, not the worlds or someone else.

And what are my goals and ideals of success? To create beautiful memories for my clients while making them comfortable and fall in love with their images over and over again. Read more about how I make my clients comfortable HERE. Because of this my clients often come back year after year and prioritize me in their lives. I am incredibly blessed by my clients.

Today is no exception. Molly and her family value me. They planned and purchased my one year package specifically designed for growing families. It’s called “ This Sweet Life” and it’s made to capture and honor the memories of pregnancy, newborn, sitting up and one year for your new baby. It’s a valuable investment with a one-time payment and 4 shoots in the babies first year.

Today is darling Lily’s sitting up session. And I’M DYING.  Did you see the maternity and newborn shoots? Click on them to see.

Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography

The other fun tidbit about today’s session is that Molly came to my home to keep it simple for her family. And I knocked it out of the park setting up a time that had the best light and several cute areas around the property including my moon gate. I am proud of myself and I am thrilled with the beauty and personality I was able to capture.

Please enjoy and- Molly, thank you so much for cherishing me, valuing me, and being in my life. I am honored to hold your memories in my hands.

Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography
Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography

Luxury For Your Life Prioritizing Quality Photography

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I'm Tracy and I'm so happy you're here. This blog a journal about our clients, shoots and my own personal life! Stay awhile, leave a comment, or say hi!

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