Teachers Are Our Heros A Desert Engagement Session
Not only are teachers incredibly important to the healthy functioning of our society but day after day, one kid at a time, teachers make the most difference in our actual lives.
They give hope, love, and the ability to dream to our children. They support us parents and help us mold our children into the adults they will one day become. They lead the next generation and have the power to change mindset, empower, build up, and love our children and US!
They are truly our heros. I mean they spend more time during the waking hours with our kids than we do! They mold them alongside us. They are our everything. We are partners and we need them to raise our kids!
But let me tell you having a kind, supportive, empowering, uplifting, positive teacher is everything.
I mean we have all experienced the mean teacher, the teacher that shames, or is intolerant. Right? It’s the saddest thing in life and breaks our hearts and stunts the growth of our kids. Sure book learning is hard but WHAT our teachers have the ability to teach is SO much more powerful than mental knowledge- it’s emotional. They form kids much deeper than reading, writing, and arithmetic. So having a kind empowering teacher that truly values kids, listens to them, listens to us, nurtures them and loves them… it’s EVERYTHING. And it’s an INCREDIBLY hard job. So every year we hope and pray for a kind teacher for our son. He blooms under kindness and patience. And this year in particular kindness was key.
WE LUCKED OUT THIS YEAR! In every possible way. This teacher in particular has made all the different in the world to my family and for surviving online learning during a world wide year long + pandemic. She is every great quality I just mentioned and beyond. This beautiful kind hard working woman is my sons 2nd grade teacher- Miss Katie Gatchell…
but not for long!!!! Because she’s engaged!!!!! Now she’ll be the wonderful kind Mrs Yatabe!!!!
I don’t know her fiance Evan well enough yet to love him the same way I love Katie…. But I just know that I will. Our shoot was so fun and he is also kind and fun and wonderful! She has found her match and I for one am over the moon for them!
I can’t imagine having a better person in our lives and I can’t wait to create beautiful memories for a beautiful person. I just know we will be lifelong friends and I thank God every night for putting her in our lives. For her kindness and patience for my son that half the time isn’t listening or following directions. lol. She is a saint and I am proud to create memories for her adventures in life!
I know this blog is getting long… but one more thing actually about the desert engagement session itself…
Having the time and a couple excited about adventure and willing to try new places out was GOLDEN for this shoot. Katie & Evan were willing to hike some sketchy trails, wander around for several hours and a few u turns to find these beautiful desert spots! And it was 100% worth it. Because just scroll…. GLORIOUS golden gorgeous images full of life and fun!
So yeah, go ahead and scroll and enjoy these beautiful engagement shots 🙂 And remember to virtually hug your teacher and thank them for all they do. Because they are our heros and they deserve our love and respect.

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