While it’s still blazing hot in Arizona, I’m enjoying the cooler temps of September in northern Illinois. (That’s a joke… it’s 90 with a humidty level of 90%) I am so lucky! I love the times I get to come back here thought, but even more I miss my friendships and all these lifelong clients. I feel so loved when they all keep booking me year after year. It must mean I did a great job capturing their lives, and I hope I can make it continue. Christine is another example of a loyal client and friend. It’s been amazing watching her family bloom. I never would have imagined when we met, what all our lives would look like 12 years later, but it’s more beautiful than I could have known. Christine and I met maybe 13 year ago when we worked together at the Coffeehouse. Now we have husbands, and children, and careers filled with art. We are beyond blessed and I am so excited to capture her beautiful family as they are, year after year. This year was no exception. I look forward to years to come.
Enjoy this beautiful family and all the energy and life they give to the world!
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