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A Journey To Motherhood Arizona Maternity Photographer

Lifestyle, Maternity

December 22, 2017


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A Journey To Motherhood Arizona Maternity Photographer

The journey to motherhood begins before the baby even arrives! Am I right mamas? The selflessness begins early, let’s talk sleepless nights, changes in diet, exercise, but let’s NOT talk about the round ligament pain and all the nausea.

The process of becoming a mother for the first time, is really so miraculous and nothing can quite prepare you. But don’t worry you have 10 months to get ready! There is so much connectivness and bonding going on to prepare you even from the double pink lines!

I read an article once that said that babies know their mothers touch and voice before they are born. 

“Dr Viola Marx, a psychologist at the University of Dundee, was the lead author of the study, published in the journal Infant Behaviour And Development. She said: ‘Mothers spontaneously and also intentionally touch their abdomen during pregnancy, often to communicate with the foetus. Any stimulation can be beneficial to the development of the foetus and bonding of the mother, father and the foetus. Dr Marx said previous research had shown unborn babies also respond when their mother talks to them, helping them recognize her voice after birth. The researchers used so-called 4D sonography, which gives live 3D video of a baby in the womb, to study how 28 infants responded to touch by different people – the mother, father and a stranger.” Read more Here

The study was really interesting and tells us that from the second we conceive that we are connected to our children. The journey to motherhood has begun. It’s a downright miracle!

Today I wanted to share new mama Alexus’s feedback on her journey to motherhood and have her share her experience and hopes with you !

What are you most excited about in this pregnancy?

This is my first baby so I am excited to be a mom. Additionally, although my Husband and I have always been two peas in a pod and I have always loved him to the moon and back, going through this experience with him has made me love him more than I ever thought possible. I am excited to see him be a dad!

What has been the most challenging part of pregnancy?

The aches and pains that come with being pregnant. I have never had such bad heart burn in my life. It has also been challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position. Once of my college friends on facebook, who is also pregnant, asked if the uncomfortableness at night and lack of solid sleep is just preparing you for motherhood. I think she hit the nail on the head. I have not slept a full night in several months.

Do you have any particular advice about the early stages of pregnancy and what to expect for newly pregnant or trying to get pregnant women?

My husband and I got extremely lucky on our first try and I know that it isn’t that easy for everyone. For those who are newly pregnant, enjoy the secret between you and your partner. It was the best feeling in the world that only the two of us knew and no-one else. For those trying to get pregnant, do not give up. I have read countless blogs and posts on social media of those who are having a difficult time getting pregnant. Their stories are inspiring yet devastating. However, there is a plan for everyone and they will be blessed with child(ren) when the time is right.

What do you anticipate as the biggest change to your lifestyle once the baby arrives?

Probably a lack of sleep. Additionally, although I hope my work life will not change drastically, I do expect to put in less hours at the office and spend some more time at home. I also do not think/know my Husband and I will no longer be the night owls that we currently are.

Thanks so much Alexus for sharing! I can’t wait to share these beautiful photos taken at The Desert Botanical Garden ! 

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Big Brothers, Baby Blues, Sweet Life Maternity Shoot

Botanical Gardens, Flower Crowns, and Glowing Pregnancy {Reed Maternity}

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