Essential Oils For Every Season! Indeed! I have yet another amazing strong, beautiful, courageous woman to introduce to you today! Meet Diane! Diane is a health and wellness advocate. She cares a lot about getting natural essential oils of the highest quality out to her friends, family, and the world. That is why she has partnered with the well-known oil company: Young Living. I have spoken a little about oils since I’m a believer and I actually am a Young Living member.
While Diane isn’t new to selling oils, (she’s actually really high up because she’s passionate about the company & product) she is now launching her business to the social media and website world. I’m so lucky to be a part of this journey !!!!! Diane will be working with me for the rest of this year and 2019 with my creative commercial package. I’ll be creating content for her upcoming website and Instagram accounts. Because we all know that the market wants to see us, not just our products. We want a face & connection. I am actually really happy that our world has turned a corner here. I love the personal lifestyle approach many small businesses now embraces. It’s both exhilarating and life-giving to me. We already had so much fun on this first shoot & launch meetings that we are now lifelong friends for sure!
I’m so grateful to have been connected to Diane through our mutual boss-babe friend Amanda Larson. Amanda is so AMAZING at connecting and networking people. She’s got this marketing and branding thing down pat! Check out her most recent shoot with me HERE. We are both grateful to her.
Diane is unique to the oil market in that she’s incredibly creative and makes such cute additions to her products.
Check out the roller balls & custom text! I love it! She also is an expert on consuming & cooking with oils. She hosts amazing cooking classes, she has several classes geared for holiday cooking! How fun is that. So treat yourself to delicious meals this season & the next. She truly has Essential Oils For Every Season.
Let’s gather around and support each other because community = life! Follow this mamaprenuers journey on her new Instagram & facebook page to learn from her wealth of knowledge and carefree loving personally. Website coming soon!
Did you know Young Living has a makeup line? I haven’t tried it but everything Diane was wearing on the shoot with from the line.
It’s pumpkin spice season!!!!!! Who is a fan?
Can’t wait for the website? Want to order oils now? Here is Diane’s direct link while we are setting up the young living website: YOUNG LIVING SIGNUP
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