Global Pay It Forward Day Kindness Starts Within
It’s officially global pay it forward day! BEST. DAY. EVER. Because if you know me at all, you know that KINDNESS is my favorite and most valued quality.
So what’s better than a WHOLE DAY dedicated to uniting the WORLD in kindness to create a ripple effect and lifelong habit of kindness??? NOTHING!!!!
Pay It Forward Day is a worldwide celebration of kindness that takes place every year on April 28th. … Pay It Forward Day exists to encourage people to stand for kindness out of the goodness of their hearts!
Our mission is to inspire  acts of kindness on this day in hopes that the ripple of good will continue throughout the entire year.
Once you get the momentum going being kind tends to become a really great (really easy!) habit…
…Use the hashtag #PayItForwardDay and tag us @PayItForwardDay when you share on social media!), so don’t be bashful.
It may seem strange or boastful to let others see your service act, but showing the good you’re doing for your community can inspire others to do the same.
Even small acts of kindness, like leaving a nice note on your neighbor’s car windshield can brighten a day and create a positive ripple effect on the people around you!
According to the dictionary kindness means “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.”
Can I get an AMEN!
I believe in living my life with kindness on the for-front. It’s in my very nature. It’s not just a day it’s a habit and it’s CONTAGIOUS and creates a ripple effect on everyone you reach.
Imagine you buy the person behind you a coffee (they are now having a better day) You send a letter to your grandma – or someone elses ( you have NO idea how people LOVE snail mail!) You buy your neighbor loads of fresh fruits and veggies during stay at home (because they desperately miss them and have 4 teens in the house!) you wash and fold laundry for a local homeless shelter (sharing in the task helps the person in charge and blesses people without a home during this time)
ALL THE THINGS AND SO MANY MORE. I’m sure you can think of a hundred ways to be kind! While these are all things I’ve done in the last month -I have no clue what a ripple effect they may still be having.
But I want to take a hot minutes to talk about kindness a little deeper.
Did you know that kindness starts within? You have to be kind to yourself.
I love the chorus of Me & You by She & Him- ” You gotta be kind to yourself” I walk around singing it all the time. It’s just like love- if you don’t love yourself how will you love others?
So how have you been kind to yourself today or any other day?
And out of the outflow of that how are you kind to others? Will you teach your children kindness so they reach the next generation and beyond?
So will you do something extra special kind today for global pay it forward day and start a ripple effect in your community and circle?
Kindness is truly contagious and unites us in something positive, powerful, and GOOD.
If you need motivation follow my new friend @thecoachdar on instagram because she’s a USA Ambassador for Pay It Forward! She has some Pay It Forward from home bingo printouts too!!!!
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