Finding Joy Consulting LAUNCHES
It’s time. It’s time for me to grow my business into something more hense the title: Finding Joy Consulting LAUNCHES. Today’s post is a celebration of my NEW website! I have officially created Finding Joy Consulting- my educational brand!
I have been primarily a photographer for 12 years.
What many people don’t know is I have slowly launched (pun on words intended) a workshop/seminar called LAUNCH.
I have been teaching this class for several years but I have never promoted or offered it publicly. I have helped 10 small businesses and non profits launch themselves as entrepreneurs.
It’s time to stop letting fear of failure hold me back.
Or fear of not knowing ENOUGH stop me from helping others. Everyone has a voice right? Everyone has something to offer and there’s always people that can learn from me. This is the truth. I’ve learned so much in 12 years of owning my business. There is always SOMEONE to share my wealth of knowledge with – someone that I can encourage and empower! I can’t let the fear hold me back from doing this.
SO IT IS TIME in 2020 to LAUNCH myself as a know voice in the entrepreneurial world and be fully alive finding joy doing it!
I have a voice and I desperately want to use it to influence those around me to take action and find joy in their lives.
So HERE. This is me officially announcing that I am branching out into my tagline “Fully Alive Finding Joy” With Finding Joy Consulting- My tagline really encompasses everything that I’m about-Creating a space for people to be fully alive and find joy! Now I have BOTH! Fully Alive Photography AND Finding Joy Consulting!
This is both with photography and my education offerings.
I believe my photography helps people be fully alive and find joy in their lives- whether it’s content for their businesses, coverage of their wedding, or photos of their newborn baby. But something I’m going to start expanding and promoting and talking about more is my LAUNCH course.
Please follow me in my journey and tell everyone you meet that I am offering my voice to the world!
To learn more about my launch course and what I’m offering check out FULLY ALIVE CONTENT AND EDUCATION
Thanks for being a part of my journey- I hope to be a part of yours!
If you need Creative Content Photography for your business growth- I offer that too! Membership or stand alone session rates HERE.
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