Another Year Of Editorial Content And Branding With Bella Vasta
Sitting here editing my last quarter of 2020 with one of my most local of content branding clients- Bella Vasta.
If you missed her first post in September of 2018 “CREATIVE CONTENT FOR THE CREATIVE ENTREPRENEUR | MEET BELLA KEYNOTE SPEAKER AND BUSINESS CONSULTANT” Go swing by and check it out- because I introduce Bella and talk a bunch about what she does as a keynote speaker and pet business consultant.
Today I want to talk about WHO Bella is and what she means to me and my business.
Okay I’m not going to get too sentimental…but Bella has been an incredible client and supporter of my monthly memberships AND a someone I consider a friend.
Bella was one of the first clients to book my monthly editorial styled branding and content photoshoots back in 2018.
I had just come up with the realization that businesses wanted to show up more consistently with fresh content on a more regular basis.
I also knew that for me to do a one time shoot it was a LOT of work that needed to priced accordingly. The clients always had so many looks, styles, and outfits that they were trying to cram into one 1-2 hour session -that it just wasn’t affordable and stressful for everyone involved.
So I came up with monthly subscription based packages!
I still do offer one-off branding shoots because for those launching a new business or re-branding they really do need a big content shoot to get running, but what happens when the big content shoot is over and it starts getting stale and you have used the images everywhere? You need new content.
So yeah….I created monthly minis and quarterly 1-hour subscription based branding shoots in the summer of 2018.
Clients could pay monthly for 12 or 4 shoots so it was affordable and easy to schedule and plan for. These memberships TOOK off as soon as I launched them. I had 5 new clients within a month and Bella was one of them. And now here we are 2 years later and I have LOTS of monthly and quarterly members and I just launched a new 2 shoot plan.
Bella has also been one of the most faithful clients and supporters. Even continuing her membership outdoors and distanced during the heat of Covid & summer.
Because she is LOVING and supportive to local small businesses, she is invested in herself and her business AND in me. She is consistent about posting and using the fresh content. Bella is always ready with kind and encouraging words about her shoots and what she believes about me as a person and about how valuable she believes fresh content for your brand to be.
I have cherished getting to know Bella over the past two years. I hope you have enjoyed her content on my blog and I hope you enjoy this recap of what we captured in 2020.
From my seat I see a lot of joy, hope, and a beautiful journey. I can’t wait for 2021 with this woman!
Enjoy & leave some love in the comments!

Another Year Of Editorial Content And Branding With Bella Vasta
More Things To Do:
Check out my Pinterest Branding Boards
Want to check out some of Bella’s past features?
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