Surviving Toddlerhood and Cherishing The Moments Arizona Lifestyle Photographer
Do you remember, or are you in the throes of toddlerhood?
I know it feels like for-freaking-ever, but the years fly by and suddenly you missed it. Am I right? I don’t even know what happened my baby is almost 6????? How did that even happen?
I am always so encouraged when families with a toddler or multiple children under 5 book me for a lifestyle photography session. I mean no one books and expects their small children to actually SIT and smile for that photo. And if you are expecting that … let me give you some advice.
Rather gather up an extra dose of patience, smile even when your child is sobbing and snotty, cuddle your babies, nurse them, sooth them and just show up. Why? Because then you are truly cherishing the moments. I know that you are in survival mode but these years are fleeting and before you realize it your babies are no longer babies.
My encouragement to you is, simply come as you are and let me capture your life as it is. Because I know the moments are precious and the days are few.
I don’t mind if you toddler throws an all-out worst temper tantrum you have seen… if you are okay with it. That is one of the reasons I call myself a “LIFESTYLE” photographer… not a portrait photographer. lol. I want you to remember life as it was.
Because someday those meltdowns, and thumb sucking, and filthy face will be nothing but perfect in your mind. I am so happy to help you remember it with fondness and joy.
So just survive toddlerhood and cherish the moments, and carry on. I am glad you are here 🙂
Enjoy this adorable Illinois family that did exactly that on their Arizona vacation. They booked me during their trip, enjoyed what the Desert Botanical Garden had to offer, and allowed themselves to smile and be present with two sweet darlings in tow. And it’s precious 🙂
And when they are done… they are done 🙂
Surviving Toddlerhood and Cherishing The Moments Arizona Lifestyle Photographer
Want to see more families cherishing the moments? Check out the Zimmerman Family who also escaped Chicago for an Arizona vacation session 🙂 They have cherished every moment and I’ve been proud and honored to be apart of all those memories.
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