I Call This Success A Two Year Old Portrait Session
As promised I’m back with another post that reminds me I’m succeeding at my business. Regardless if I only have a thousand followers on instagram, and facebook algorithms have basically hidden my non-paid content from my 1900 followers there. lol.
Because success cannot be measured in broad terms.
Not anymore, not in corporate America. It MUST be measured by goals, dreams, and aspirations of the business owner. Otherwise, it will always be unattainable. It cannot be measured in money, money never satisfies (says the lower middle-class American entrepreneur). Yes, money makes business happen. I cannot continue to do what I love without it. Also, I need to make enough of it to justify my business, pay my bills and large over overhead to keep the business going. It would honestly be nicer to make more of it than I am because I do SO much work behind the scenes it’s insane. But overall, I cannot place my value in a dollar amount. It will never make me happy. I think…haha.
But I do know that a simple dollar amount cannot define my true purpose as a photographer and entrepreneur. As much as I let it get to me, I try to redefine my success, so that I can be joyful when I am indeed accomplishing my own goals.
I wrote on Wednesday in my post “Not Just Another Photographer Maternity Portraits at the Desert Botanical Garden” on finding joy and success in loving my clients. In celebrating with them.
And today is no exception.
Today I am choosing joy and thankfulness again.
Because there is so much to be thankful for.
I just love this family. I love the fact that Amanda & Justin have been some of my most dedicated clients here in Arizona. I’ve been a part of this couples adventure for years now. The engagement, the wedding, holiday minis, the Halloweens, the pregnancy announcements, the maternity session, the birth & newborn, the smash cake birthday, the Halloween again (they love Halloween). It’s been such a joy. Every year I look forward to photographing their lives & capturing their memories and putting a pause button on life as Rayla is growing up. I am reminded that true success is more that what I am told. Amanda values my work and my personality and in loving her and her family, I have felt greatly loved in return.
Enjoy sweet Rayla’s two-year portraits, and of course, some adorable Top Gun Halloween sneak peeks!
I Call This Success A Two Year Old Portrait Session
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