Third Times A Charm An Arizona Maternity Session

I am the LUCKIEST! I have the most loyal & faithful client and I am so honored and proud to be in their lives documenting all the amazing things that happen! Like the third pregnancy!!!!
I met Alexus & AJ when they were pregnant (BLOG HERE) with their first baby about this time in 2017 and they invited me along for first baby session, second pregnancy (BLOG HERE) , second newborn (BLOG HERE) and plenty of holidays along the way (blog here) and now the third baby is on the way!
Out of all these sessions we have always found a way to take them to new locations & have a beautiful variety of backdrops & beauty!
But this one might take the prize! Everything from the wardrobe (have you seen a prettier holiday dress???) green velvet is ALL the rage. lol. And the two littles are getting used to big smiles and we got plenty of group smiling shots!!!!
I’m looking forward to baby number 3 newborn shots this winter! Stay tuned as I’ll try my best to actually come blog them!
Merry Christmas Friends! Hugs the ones you love and love the ones you don’t love. haha.

Third Times A Charm An Arizona Maternity Session
More Maternity Posts HERE> Or Read About “When To Schedule Your Maternity Shootâ€
Maternity and newborn inspiration on my Pinterest boards HERE>
Maternity portfolio HERE>
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